Hingstpremiering 2021 14-16/1

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Gruppindelning unga hingstar torsdag och fredag

Thursday 14th January
9:30-12:00 hour: Event 1 Second Viewing of the selected young stallions (part I)
Group 1: 3-9-14-29-30-186
Group 2: 50-55-59-69-209-210
Group 3: 104-109-115-114-120-130
Group 4: 21-47-58-61-128-147

Pause program: Tweespan clinic

13:30-16:00: Event 1 Second Viewing of the selected young stallions (part II)
Group 5: 54-75-77-76-79-56
Group 6: 294-62-80-81-73-90
Group 7: 84-95-112-129-132-133
Group 8: 306-137-138-93-142-143-148

Friday 15th January
9:30-12:00: Event 1 
Second Viewing of the selected young stallions (part III)
Group 9: 102-125-173-215-168-103
Group 10: 174-175-185-217-225-271
Group 11: 181-231-236-275-247-277
Group 12: 182-237-270-287-281-288

Pause program: Tweespan clinic

13:30-16:00: Event 1 Second Viewing of the selected young stallions (part IV)
Group 13: 100-153-243-245-250-213
Group 14: 214-246-259-220-260-101
Group 15: 221-227-239-252-298-300
Group 16: 301-229-254-256-304-307

Saturday 16th January

Start: 9:00

During the day

Presentation Sport-Elite Studbook Stallions
Announcement of the Breeder of the Year
Announcement of the Horse of the Year
Different show events


  • Event 3 Inspection of Studbook Stallions up to and including 12 years of age
  • Event 4 Inspection of the registered Studbook Stallions approved from breeding season 2016 and 2017
  • Event 2 Inspection of Studbook Stallion 13 years and older


  • Event 5 Inspection of the registered Studbook Stallions approved from breeding season 2018
  • Event 6 Inspection of the registered Studbook Stallions approved from breeding season 2019
  • Event 7 Inspection of the registered Studbook Stallions approved from breeding season 2020
  • Event 8 Inspection of the registered Studbook Stallions approved from breeding season 2021

Championship older Studbook Stallions

The inspection team will select stallions from event 2 and 3, who have competed progeny testing

Championship younger Studbook Stallions

The inspection team will select stallions from event 4 up to and including 8, who have not yet completed progeny testing

Overall championship

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Agria Loggo